Digging Hard Stones Everyday Effortlessly

Long Xingming, an excavating-machine operator

By virtue of their super comfort and humanization design, SDLG’s excavators have become the “hot cakes” for operators in the crushing plant. “It has been nine years since I began to operate excavators. I have operated CAT excavator, Volvo excavator and excavators of Lonking and XCMG before. Presently, though the SDLG excavator I am operating has run about ten thousand hours, I still feel relaxed and comfortable to operate it and it's no worse than import brands. We will work for more than 10 hours when we are busy. If it lacks comfort, we will feel tired, but we do not have that feeling to operate the excavator of SDLG. Besides, its maintenance is of great convenience, and it is also easy for us to reach the parts that need lubrication.” said Long Xingming, an SDLG excavating-machine operator in Maan crushing plant.