LG953 loading logs at Rizhao

Customers in industry and material handling fields are responsible for material transportation, they hold large market shares. Take a transport fleet in Rizhao for example, their loaders are used to load and unload cargos for large ships. The reliability and service support are extremely important, as the delay in work period will make high cost.

1. Working condition: In the past, the fleet used 50 large loaders from a famous foreign manufacturer and several domestic manufacturers. As the price and operation & maintenance cost of the foreign brand loader is very high, and the competition of the loading and unloading industry is growing, the operation cost of the foreign loader is increasing; and as there are many domestic loader brands, and their parts are not uniform. The fleet is responsible for the maintenance beyond the warranty services by themselves, which increase the maintenance cost. As the quality of domestic loaders are going up, the fleet decides to wash out the current loaders step by step, and locates one domestic manufacturer with better product quality and after sales service.

2. Dealing support: Once gets the information, the dealing division recommends Lingong 953 product for them. It is medium wheelbase loader which can adapt to light and heavy work. After the replacement of corresponding working devices, it could be used under various conditions.

3. Manufacturer support: Once got the information, Lingong makes up PR Team of Big Customer, including the team leader of vice manager of the market, vice team leaders of heads of technical center, manufacturing factory and service department. Moreover the members of the team are many experts in techniques, manufacture, quality control and service. PR Team of Big Customer has all the rights to negotiate with the port fleet, and answers and settles all kinds of problems brought up by the customer.

4.Sign the contract and supply the products: After one month negotiation and on-the-spot investigation on technical R&D, product quality guarantee, and after sales service, the customer signs the first delivery contract of LG953 with Lingong.

5. Service support: Once the first loaders are delivered to the construction location, they are launch into the intense work. During the operation, the product quality is stable and no big problem occurs. Facing the maintenance cost of the products out of the warranty, the customer invests a lot in the self service because of new purchase of the loaders and loading and unloading charge decreasing. When negotiating with the fleet, the dealing unit brings forward the promise to assume the fleet service, and establish the part shop in the fleet, and the part use will be charged. This method not only improves the service speed, but also decreases the stock pressure of the part company.

Attain two objectives by a single move. The customer is satisfied with us.