SDLG global products management conference was held in Linyi, Shandong province from Nov 25th to 28th. Representatives from SDLG Export Team, SDLG R&D, Volvo JTC, Volvo LIO with all product managers from Regions APAC, America and EMEA, discuss how to develop SDLG products to better meet the customers’ demand.
Product is one of the fundamental factors to support the development of one company. Therefore, SDLG always keeps a high priority on product management. During this conference, Regions analyzed SDLG product performance in their market and highlight the issues and challenge, while SDLG R&D introduced the new product development schedule based on competitor analysis and some product solution. EMEA region also shared its practice in product publicity, which plays an important role to support product marketing for 2020. After separate group discussion, all regions establish their own work plan and target which can be aligned with SDLG global product plan for 2020.
This product management conference is second meeting in 2019 inside SDLG. By means of in-depth exchanges with each region, SDLG Export team can understand the market need and discover new opportunities, and it also can support SDLG Export team to make better product strategy. While it is the secret why SDLG can keep No.1 export volume among Chinese wheel loader brands for seven years until to now.